Nissan Utilitaries

Manufacture Of Parts For The Interior Of The Automobile

The automotive sector is one of the areas in which the adoption of new regulations and measures aimed at achieving environmental improvements is booming for a few years. In this sense, there are several lines of research in this sector that have gained vital importance, such as the reduction of weight of the components of vehicles, the use of recycled materials or the development of bio polymers for the manufacture of individual parts.

This last line of research is in line with the growing demand for biodegradable or renewable materials as an alternative to the use of traditional plastic materials. In the last fifteen years, a wide range of new biodegradable materials and renewable sources for various applications has come onto the market. For example, there are different commercial grades of biodegradable starch-based materials or polyesters that are being used in the food packaging sector. However, in the case of the automotive industry, more research is still needed to develop suitable materials for processing using injection molding and nonperforming technologies, the processes mainly involved in this sector, that meet the requirements for its use both outside and inside vehicles. Aspects such as thermal resistance, mechanical performance or the emission of volatile components responsible for the appearance of odors inside cars must be improved for these materials.

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